lunes, 2 de agosto de 2021

get on top page

Hello Team,

I hope you are well.

This is Jason Hill, while searching over the search engine I came across your website and thought, it would be a good idea to do an analysis on the website as your website looked exquisite!, very well written and informative. But I was really worried after seeing the website online health. Now I can say why the website may not be driving traffic. The basic point missing in the website is back-links, adding to this the coding issues are not making it any good either.

I am keeping this short, but I can give you my word, if given a chance, we can turn this around to make the website a great success.

If you are already using someone for the website, they should be aware of the basic reasons why the website is failing to drive traffic and looking at the current status of the website, I am sure they have no clue. So would let it to your wise decision here. If you would be interested, I can send you a no obligation analysis report of the website for your reference.

Please do let me know if you need any information.

Have a great day.

Thanks & Regards,
Jason Hill | (Analyst)

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lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

Moviles175, ¡Queremos conocer tu opinión!

LA NACION Versión online
Queremos conocer tu opinión
Hola Moviles175, nos gustaría conocer tu experiencia con el sitio de LA NACION.

¿Nos ayudás?

¡Gracias por tu tiempo!
te leemos
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